Invent Baltics secures €5.7 million in H2020 SME Instrument funding for its Clients from the January cut-off date
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Invent Baltics secured a total of €5.7 million
funding for its clients. Our clients represented 3 of the 57 European SME-s to
receive funding as part of the EIC SME Instrument’s January call.
The 57 European SME-s were chosen out of 1154 applicants from 17 countries, with Spain, Netherlands, Finland and France leading the way. The companies were allocated a total of €94 million in grant funding providing an opportunity for the innovators to keep their company structure and ownership intact while scaling to reach Europe-wide commercialisation. We are pleased to have secured grants for innovative SME-s from Estonia, Belgium and Finland.
Funding under the SME Instrument Phase 2 allows companies to invest in activities to further their innovation by demonstrating, testing, piloting, optimizing and scaling up production of their hardware or software solutions together with developing a market-ready business plan.
The goal of the instrument is to support the commercialization of the product following the successful completion of the project.
The next cut-off dates for the SME Instrument Phase II are on 23rd May and 10th October 2018.
For more information please contact:
Managing partner Silver Toomla
Mobile: +372 5171 781
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